Why blu salmon
We are always being asked why the name Blu Salmon?….you don’t sell fish…
At Blu Salmon, we are not your average “fish”. We are a group of innovators, thought leaders, and collaborators, who pride ourselves in how we “design differently.”
Salmon play an essential role in the health and function of ecosystems. From being a crucial link in the food chain to their ability to help fertilize plant life, salmon are important in the transport of energy and nutrients between environments. By increasing carbon storage potential, Salmon can help support our efforts to mitigate climate change. In our design process, we are conscious of the environment every step of the way. Each product that touches your space is sourced with the environment in mind. Our name serves as a reminder of our responsibility to the environment and the impact we make locally and globally.
We are headquartered in Pensacola Florida, famous for being the cradle of aviation where we have the Blue Angels, the Blue Wahoos baseball team, and Blu Salmon.
It is important to us as design innovators to connect to our community locally, and we hope that our decisions can support sustainability beyond us.
Swim Upstream with us at Blu Salmon ….
Women and Minority-owned business • 50+ years experience
MEET Our Team
Teresa Dos Santos
Teresa is a NCDIQ-certified interior designer. She has a magical power of transforming a blank canvas into stimulating environments. The alchemist sparks an idea into existence and inspires others to think differently. She has a modern aesthetic and an instinct for creating multi-sensory environments.
As co-founder of Blu Salmon, she leads clients through the process of transforming their places into incredible spaces.
Learn more about Teresa by visiting her website at teresadossantos.com.
833.794.6258 Ext. 1
Lori storey
Lori is co-founder of Blu Salmon and serves the role as the creativity ringleader. She manages to keep all the balls in the air and the team on a strict timeline, which we jokingly call the ‘tight rope’. Her organization, dedication, and ability to quickly expedite the process ensures that the clients have a great experience.
833.794.6258 Ext. 2
“Swim upstream with us.”